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January 2025

 Dear Friends,

 You know that Common Ground has been committed to providing access to affordable, compassionate acupuncture, massage, and movement for 14 years.  Our practitioners have held space for and accompanied so many people on the road to healing and well-being. It has been a privilege and pleasure to know them. 

After leaving the Jefferson School, our partnership with Region Ten and the Blue Ridge Center made it possible to continue this important work. We learned in late December that they are going to increase programming which will necessitate trimming our clinic schedule. Common Ground does not have any prospects for another rent-free setting. 

We have always been intentional about including everyone, regardless of their ability to pay. That has come at a price and is not sustainable. The Board and I agree that it’s time to leave the field quietly and with dignity. 

We will see our last clients on Thursday, March 27, 2025. Each practitioner is developing a strategy for seeing Common Ground clients. Our goal is to provide continuity of care. 

Finally, we are planning an event to celebrate the time and space Common Ground has held in this community. You can look forward to receiving more details.

Please sign up for our newsletter so you receive all the latest updates. 



Common Ground Healing Arts

Community-based programming opens access to treatment. We eliminate unnecessary bureaucratic, socio-economic and environmental barriers to starting a program of health. Regardless of the setting, our practitioners create a zone of peace for our patients.
Scroll down to learn more. 

Slow and Stretchy Yoga

with Lili Powell 


on Zoom

February 19 - March 26

 5:30 to 6:45

Use this link to register

Or call 434-218-7677


 You will be able to see Lili demonstrating poses. She will guide you through movements and provide options for different levels of ability. Questions are welcome.

David is going to retire at the end of February.

He is a gifted practitioner who has been unfailingly kind and generous.



Amy Hastings



12:00 to 3:00

Beginning on February 27, Amy will see clients only on Thursday mornings.


Blue Ridge Center

100 Burnet Street

(Just off Elliott Avenue)


Book an appointment here





​or call 434-218-7677



Jess Croes

Community-Based Acupuncture



10:30am to 12:00pm


Blue Ridge Center

100 Burnet Street

(just off Elliott Avenue)


Book an appointment here



Or call 434-218-7677


Ki Ennis

Community-Based Acupuncture



12:00pm to 3:00pm


Blue Ridge Center

100 Burnet Street

(just off Elliott Avenue)


Book an appointment here​


call 434-218-7677

About Section

Common Ground is pleased to partner with

Elizabeth Cottone, PhD.

Following a massive cerebellar hemorrhagic stroke in 2017, Beth founded her stroke and brain insult support group, which she continues to lead and manage.

People use acupuncture to get relief from a whole range of conditions. This includes back and neck pain, migraine, joint pain, depression, nausea, irritable bowel syndrome, and many other ailments — as well as stroke and aphasia. When stroke survivors add acupuncture to their physical therapy and speech therapy regimen, it can make a big difference in their recovery.

Thank you!


Sentara Cares

$15,000 grant


Bama Works Fund at CACF

$10,000 grant


Melville Foundation

$2,000 grant


Our generous donors


"Finding out about Common Ground was a life saver last Fall. The aches, pains, fears of immobility and ensuing diminished life prospects were starting to creep in and at times totally take over. The healing and life enhancing modalities offered at Common Ground have given me new hope of living out my days as a fully functioning contributing albeit old lady with appropriate mobility and I CAN AFFORD THEM.  I now truly believe that there are lots of laughs and fun times still to be had!" --IB

“Through this transition, I think we all came to realize the truth: that Common Ground does not require a physical space in any one location to call home in order for the mission of Common Ground to carry on. CGHA is the result of compassionate, empathetic healers and teachers coming together to share their skills with their community. Anywhere this happens is a place where Common Ground can thrive: the idea continues to live on in the community it serves.”

 Sam Pierceall

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